Ancient Indian Games Modernized Now

India is a land of rich culture, vibrant traditions, variety of food and exciting games and so was ancient India. Before the emergence of the modern games, Indian often indulged in various mental and physical activities that tested their skills, strategy and physical strength. These games were a way to entertain, socialize and maintain physical fitness. This article talks about 5 ancient Indian games that have evolved from it’s ancient roots to modern and cultural advancements while retaining fundamental elements that made them loved across generations:

1. Chaupar - Ludo

2. Satranj - Chess

3. Moksha Patam - Snakes And Ladders

4. Lagna - Jigsaw Puzzle

5. Goti - Marbles

1. Chaupar (Ludo)


In ancient India, Chaupar was a game beloved not only by kings and commoners alike but also by people of various backgrounds and social statuses. It was well-regarded for its unique mix of luck and strategy, which contributed to its reputation as a game full of intrigue and excitement. The royal courts frequently witnessed intense Chaupar matches, showcasing the competitive spirit that thrived among the players. Among the notable enthusiasts of the game was Raja Vikramaditya, a figure celebrated for his sagacity and passion for recreational activities. To satisfy his love for Chaupar, he orchestrated elaborate tournaments that attracted courtiers and visitors from distant lands, all eager to engage in thrilling matches and showcase their skills in this captivating pastime.Legend has it that the game was invented by a wise sage who aimed to impart valuable lessons about the unpredictable nature of life to his disciples. The intricate board's cross-shaped layout, complete with various paths and challenging obstacles, served as a tangible representation of life's journey. Players would need to strategize and overcome numerous trials and tribulations along the way in order to successfully reach their ultimate destination.

How to Play Chaupar (Ludo)

A. Objective:

The aim of the game is to move all four of your tokens from the starting area to the home column before your opponents do.

B. Players:

Chaupar is a game for 2 to 4 players. Each player has four tokens in different colors.

C. Equipment:

  • A Chaupar board has a cross-shaped track with colored paths and a square in the middle.

  • A die used to decide how many steps a game piece moves.

  • Four tokens per player, usually of different colors.

D. Setup:

1. Board Setup: Place the Chaupar board on a flat surface. Each player puts their game pieces in their starting area.

2. Dice Roll: Players alternate rolling a die; the one with the highest roll begins.

E. Gameplay:

1. Starting Tokens: To start advancing a token from the initial area, a player is required to roll a 6 on the dice. Whenever a player rolls a 6, they can place a token on the game board and are granted an additional turn to continue playing.

2. Moving Tokens: After a token is on the board, the player moves it forward by the number rolled on the dice. Tokens can be moved along the colored paths, progressing toward the ultimate goal of the game. The strategic placement of tokens along these paths can greatly impact the outcome of the game, adding an extra layer of depth and thought to each player's turn.

3. Obstacles and Safety: The game board is designed with specific areas marked as safe zones or obstacles, presenting players with strategic points to maneuver around to prevent getting sent back to the beginning.

4. Capturing Tokens: If a player lands on a spot occupied by an opponent’s token during the game, the opponent’s token is immediately sent back to the starting area. This rule serves as a key strategic tactic in the gameplay, allowing players to strategically capture tokens and create obstacles to hinder their opponents' progress.

5. Reaching Home: The ultimate objective of the game is for players to strategically navigate all their tokens into the designated home column. Each token is required to follow a complete path around the board before finally making it to its home, adding an element of skill and planning to the gameplay.

Winning the Game:

The ultimate goal of the game is for the first player to strategically maneuver all their tokens into the designated home column. This intense gameplay persists until a player effectively accomplishes this challenging objective.


  • Strategy: Find the optimal strategy by maintaining a delicate equilibrium in your gameplay, ensuring a balance between propelling your pieces forward and impeding your adversaries' progress.

  • Dice Luck: In considering the dynamics of gameplay, it is crucial to bear in mind that the roll of the dice introduces a fortuitous aspect. Hence, it is wise to remain flexible and adjust to evolving circumstances as they arise.

  • Defensive Play: Sometimes, it can be a prudent strategy to securely place a token in a designated safe location to minimize the risk of it being seized or taken away.

Chaupar, also recognized as Ludo in contemporary times, stands as a perennially cherished game that seamlessly melds chance with tactics, bringing joy to individuals globally through its enduring charm.

2. Shatranj (Chess)


In ancient India, during the time of the great emperors and scholars, there existed a game known as Satranj. It was said to have been created by a sage who wished to teach the principles of strategy and warfare in a peaceful and intellectual manner. The game was so captivating that it spread across continents, evolving as it travelled far and wide, captivating minds and fostering strategic thinking in those who engaged with its timeless challenge.The game of Satranj was a revered pastime in the courts of Indian kings, serving as a means to sharpen their mental acuity in preparation for matters of war and leadership. The narrative of Emperor Vikramaditya stands out among the many, showcasing his renowned sagacity and tactical prowess. His deep passion for the game led him to regularly host intellectuals and sages at his court, engaging in cerebral battles that gauged one's wit and strategic thinking. In these intriguing encounters, the emperor showcased his sharp intellect, consistently surpassing his challengers through careful planning and foresight.

As Satranj journeyed to Persia, it underwent modifications and enhancements, gradually transforming into the modern-day strategic game known as Chess. Embraced by Persian rulers, it swiftly gained popularity within the prestigious courts of Persia. The game then propagated to the Arab world and eventually made its way to Europe, where it further developed into the intricate and stimulating game enjoyed worldwide today.

How to Play Satranj (Chess)

A. Objective: Checkmate the opponent's king by putting it in a position where it can't escape capture.

B. Players: In the iconic game of chess, a strategic battle unfolds as two players command a total of 16 pieces each on the checkered board, maneuvering with skill and foresight to outplay their opponent.

C. Equipment:

  • A chessboard consists of 64 squares arranged in an 8x8 grid, with the squares alternating in two colors, typically black and white, creating a distinctive checkered pattern that is essential for gameplay.

  • Each player in a game of chess is equipped with a total of 16 pieces, which consist of 1 King, 1 Queen, 2 Rooks, 2 Knights, 2 Bishops, and 8 Pawns.

D. Setup:

1. Board Position: Position the board in a way that ensures a white (or light) square is located at the right-hand corner to set the stage for an organized and strategic game ahead.

2. Piece Placement:

  • Rooks are typically positioned at the corners of the chessboard due to their strategic advantage in commanding entire rows and columns from those locations.

  • The bold knights are strategically positioned beside the sturdy rooks on the chessboard.

  • Bishops are strategically positioned adjacent to the knights on the chessboard.

  • The queen is strategically positioned on the chessboard in alignment with her designated color, ensuring the white queen rests elegantly on a white square, while the black queen exudes power from a black square.

  • The King is carefully positioned on the sole square left on the board, signifying a strategic move in the game.

  • Pawns are strategically positioned on the second row for both players at the commencement of the game, setting the stage for the unfolding chess match to come.

E. Gameplay:

1. Movement:

  • The King is a powerful piece in chess, as it can move one square in any direction on the board. This limited but strategic movement makes protecting the King a top priority in the game, ensuring its safety and ultimately aiming for checkmate against the opponent's King.

  • The Queen is a powerful piece on the chessboard, embodying both royal elegance and strategic prowess. With the freedom to move any number of squares in any direction, she commands respect and fear from her opponents. Her versatility and flexibility make her a valuable asset in any player's arsenal, capable of swiftly shifting the tides of battle in her favor.

  • The Rook in a game of chess has the ability to move any number of squares either horizontally or vertically on the board.

  • A Bishop in chess is a powerful piece that moves any number of squares diagonally on the board. Strategic placement of the Bishop can control multiple squares and influence the flow of the game, making it a crucial player in any player's strategy.

  • A Knight in chess moves uniquely in an "L" shape on the board, spanning two squares in one direction and then one square perpendicularly, or in the reverse order. It possesses the special ability to leap over other pieces during its maneuver, making it a strategic piece in the game.

  • On each turn, a pawn possesses the ability to advance one square ahead, though it has the unique capability to capture enemy pieces diagonally. It's noteworthy that during its initial movement, a pawn is permitted to advance two squares forward.

2. Objective: Players take turns strategically maneuvering their designated game pieces on the board, aiming to outmaneuver their opponent and ultimately achieve victory by placing the adversary's king in a position of checkmate.

3. Special Moves:

  • Castling: In chess, castling is a strategic move that involves the king and a rook working together. When castling, the king moves two squares towards the rook, while the rook moves to the square right next to the king. This maneuver is a unique way to improve the safety and positioning of both pieces simultaneously on the board.

  • En Passant: A special pawn capture that can occur when a pawn moves two squares forward from its starting position and lands beside an opponent's pawn. This unique move allows a player to capture an opposing pawn that attempts to sneak past the advancing pawn on its initial double-step sojourn across the board.

  • Pawn Promotion: When a pawn advances all the way to the opposite side of the board and reaches the last rank of the opponent's territory, a unique opportunity arises - the pawn can undergo a transformation known as promotion. This transformation allows the pawn to assume the power and abilities of a different piece, most commonly the queen, greatly enhancing its strategic potential on the chessboard.

Winning the Game:

The game is ultimately determined by checkmating the opponent’s king, where one player positions their opponent's king in a situation where it cannot evade capture. This results in the conclusion of the game.


  • Strategy: Utilize foresight to strategize and construct your chess pieces in advance, securing a strong foothold in the heart of the board to exercise dominance, while also prioritizing the safeguarding of your king to ensure a formidable position in the game.

  • Tactics: Look for strategic opportunities to capture your opponent’s pieces on the board, forcing them to make critical decisions in response to your moves. By creating threats and applying pressure, you can put your opponent in a challenging position that tests their ability to anticipate your next actions.

  • Practice: Consistent practice and dedicated study of various chess tactics and strategic approaches can significantly enhance your proficiency and expertise in the game.

    Chess, originally known as Satranj, has stood the test of time as a captivating game of strategy and intellect. It holds the remarkable ability to engage minds and nurture a sense of competitive spirit among individuals globally. With its extensive history and unwavering charm, chess serves as a perennial source of inspiration for players from diverse age groups and cultural origins.

3. Moksha Patam (Snakes and Ladders)


In ancient India, there existed a revered and insightful game by the name of Moksha Patam. It transcended mere amusement, serving as a conduit to impart profound teachings in a palatable form. Legend credits the inception of this game to Gyandev, a sagacious sage intent on elucidating the nuances of karma and life's voyage in a manner that resonated with all. Evocatively illustrated with a trail of a hundred squares, this board featured both ladders and serpents strategically placed, metaphorically mirroring life's peaks and valleys that one encounters along the way. The ancient game held a special place in the hearts of both royalty and the general populace, uniting them in friendly competition and contemplation of the wise teachings. An enduring legend recounts the tale of a noble youth who, through perseverance and skill, eventually conquered the final square - a powerful metaphor for achieving ultimate understanding and breaking free from the eternal cycle of existence. Beyond mere amusement, this game served as a profound voyage of the soul, prompting participants to ponder deeply on their choices and the ensuing outcomes.

As the ancient game gradually made its way into different societies, it underwent various alterations and streamlining processes. Arriving in the Western hemisphere, it underwent a transformation, reemerging as Snakes and Ladders, where virtues were symbolized by the ladders while vices embodied the snakes. Over time, the game transitioned into a commercialized product, capturing the hearts of children and families worldwide as a cherished recreational activity.

How to Play Moksha Patam (Snakes and Ladders):

A. Objective: The objective of the game board is to guide your game piece all the way from the initial spot to the finish mark, typically situated on the 100th spot, by tossing a die to determine your progress, all the while stumbling upon ladders that assist your advancement and serpents that hinder your journey.

B. Players: Snakes and Ladders is a timeless board game that has entertained generations of players, usually played by groups of 2 or more individuals. Players engage in rolling dice and strategically maneuvering their tokens across numbered squares, with the primary objective of being the first to reach the final square. The game involves navigating through the perils of descending snakes and leveraging the advantages of ascending ladders, adding an element of chance and strategy to the gameplay.

C. Equipment:

  • A classic Snakes and Ladders board features a total of 100 squares organized in a 10x10 grid, providing a familiar and enjoyable gaming experience for players of all ages.

  • A dice is a small object used in games to determine the number of steps a player moves. This tool adds an element of chance and uncertainty to gameplay, keeping the experience dynamic and engaging for all participants involved.

  • Tokens or markers for each player are essential components in many tabletop games, providing a visual representation of each player's progress and standing within the game.

D. Setup:

1. Board Placement: Place the rectangular board gently on a smooth and level surface, making sure it sits securely before proceeding with your task.

2. Starting Position: Each of the players involved in the game will proceed to place their respective token on the designated starting square, which generally coincides with the initial square positioned at the commencement of the grid.

E. Gameplay:

1. Taking Turns: Players engage in a sequential gameplay mechanic where they alternate rolling a six-sided dice. Based on the outcome of the dice roll, the numerical value dictates the quantity of squares a player advances their designated token along the board.

2. Moving Tokens:

  • On your turn, move your token across the board according to the number of squares shown on the dice roll.

  • If your token lands on a square containing the base of a ladder during the game, you must advance it to the square located at the top of that ladder according to the rules of play.

  • If a player's token lands on a square containing the entrance to a snake, they must move the token down to the square at the other end of the snake, corresponding to the tail of the snake on the board.

Winning the Game:

  • The first player to reach the final square (the 100th square) wins the game.

  • If multiple players happen to land on the final square simultaneously due to rolling the dice, the winning player will be the one who manages to roll the highest number among the group to reach the finish line.

Special Rules:

  • Rolling a 6: If a player rolls a 6, they will receive an additional turn. This particular rule introduces a combination of luck and strategic thinking into the game, providing players with opportunities to outmaneuver their opponents based on chance and planning.

  • Landing on a Ladder or Snake: Players are required to strictly adhere to the regulations governing the ladders and snakes depicted on the game board during gameplay.


  • Strategy: While the game primarily relies on luck, participants have the opportunity to strategize by predicting the locations of ladders and snakes in order to carefully map out their next steps.

  • Fair Play: Encourage good sportsmanship and fair play among participants, emphasizing the pivotal role of dice rolls in determining the game's outcome.

Moksha Patam, also recognized as Snakes and Ladders, remains a beloved game renowned for blending chance with valuable life teachings, ensuring its enduring popularity across various age groups. The game's elegant simplicity intertwined with its significant underlying truths provides a charming and enduring appeal that surpasses time and resonates with individuals across different eras.

4. Lagna (Jigsaw Puzzle)


In ancient India, there was a game known as Lagna, which held significance beyond mere entertainment; it served as a gateway to intellectual discovery and artistic expression. According to legend, a gifted artisan was inspired to invent a game that could stimulate the intellect of players across generations. The essence of Lagna lay in the intricate process of piecing together fragments to unveil a cohesive image, symbolizing the intricate unraveling of the world's enigmas.=: Lagna was a beloved game frequently enjoyed in the grand courts of Indian monarchs, serving as a focal point for gatherings of learned scholars and talented artists. An enduring legend recounts the story of a sagacious king who leveraged Lagna as a tool to instill in his offspring the values of patience, keen observation, and adept problem-solving skills. The monarch would intricately craft puzzles for his children, urging them to diligently piece together the enigmas laid before them. Each fragment emblemized a unique facet of life's intricate tapestry. Through unraveling the mysteries within the puzzles, the royal progeny not only honed their ability to discern the interconnectedness of the fragments but also grasped the significance of every individual component, ensuring they comprehended the holistic essence of existence.

As time progressed through the centuries, the idea of Lagna transcended the borders of India, undergoing adaptations in diverse iterations embraced by various societies. Over the years, this concept transitioned to take on a new guise, ultimately shaping into the globally cherished pastime known today as Jigsaw Puzzles. Universally embraced, these puzzles captivate individuals across generations, offering an engaging and mentally stimulating pursuit, fostering innovation and analytical thinking among enthusiasts worldwide.

How to Play Lagna (Jigsaw Puzzles)

A. Objective: The primary objective of engaging with a jigsaw puzzle revolves around the task of carefully interlocking the individual pieces in a meticulous manner so as to ultimately reveal and construct the intended entirety of an image, picture, or pattern.

B. Players: Jigsaw puzzles are a versatile form of entertainment that can be appreciated by both individuals and groups, offering the flexibility to be enjoyed either alone for some peaceful moments of concentration or together with family and friends for a fun bonding experience.

C. Equipment:

  • A jigsaw puzzle is a captivating and engaging pastime that involves piecing together multiple intricately designed fragments, usually crafted from materials like cardboard or wood. Each piece fits snugly with its adjoining parts, challenging the solver to meticulously assemble the complete picture.

  • A board or table, spacious in size, designed to provide ample room for organizing and piecing together the puzzle pieces effectively.

D. Setup:

1. Choosing the Puzzle: Selecting a suitable jigsaw puzzle for the players involves considering a variety of factors, such as the level of difficulty preferred by the participants. Jigsaw puzzles come in a range of sizes and complexities, ranging from just a few dozen pieces to several thousand, offering a diverse range of challenges for individuals or groups to enjoy together.

2. Table Setup: Place the intriguing puzzle on a smooth, uncluttered tabletop, ensuring that players have ample space to concentrate and collaborate undisturbed.*

E. Gameplay:

1. Sorting Pieces: Sort the pieces by organizing them into two groups: edge pieces and center pieces. Edge pieces are easily identifiable by having at least one straight edge. These edge pieces play a crucial role as they will eventually come together to create the border of the puzzle, framing the entire picture.

2. Assembling the Border: Begin the process of forming the perimeter of the puzzle by joining the outer pieces to construct the border, initiating the foundation for the upcoming challenge.

3. Filling in the Puzzle: After completing the border, direct your attention towards arranging the interior sections systematically. Ensure to sort the components according to their color, pattern, or shape, as this will streamline the task of piecing them together effectively.

4. Fitting Pieces: Continue to connect the pieces by matching their edges and patterns. Some pieces may fit together only in one way, so look for obvious matches.

5. Completing the Puzzle: Continue placing the puzzle pieces together until the entire image comes into view. Should you come across pieces that appear to interlock but do not quite seem to be in the right place, be sure to assess if the colors or patterns align correctly.

Winning the Game:

The game concludes triumphantly when every piece finds its rightful place, coming together to unveil the intricate artwork. While there may not be a declared champion in the realm of jigsaw puzzles, the true prize lies in the contentment one feels upon successfully piecing together the scattered fragments to recreate the whole image.


  • Start with the Edges: Begin with the edge pieces to create the frame, establishing a prominent boundary that serves as a guide for assembling the puzzle with ease.

  • Sort Pieces: Grouping pieces by their respective colors or patterns is an effective strategy to enhance the manageability of the assembly process. Organizing similar pieces together can streamline the construction task, making it more efficient and less prone to errors.

  • Take Breaks: If you find yourself in a situation where you are feeling stuck, it may be beneficial to step away momentarily and come back with a renewed outlook. Pausing for a brief break can often provide the clarity needed to view the situation from a fresh perspective.

  • Work as a Team: If you're collaborating with others, one effective strategy is to divide the puzzle into distinct sections and tackle each part separately. By splitting the task and working on different segments simultaneously, you can significantly expedite the overall solving process.

Jigsaw puzzles, derived from the ancient pastime of Lagna, maintain their allure by captivating individuals globally. The harmonious mix of leisure, ingenuity, and mental stimulation ensures their enduring popularity across diverse age groups.

5. Goti (Marbles)


In the historical rural communities of India, there existed a cherished traditional game known as Goti that resonated with people of all ages, fostering a sense of camaraderie and entertainment. The origins of this game date back to a modest village where youngsters would delight in their leisure hours navigating the dusty pathways, employing tiny spherical stones or marbles procured during their explorations. Beyond its role as a source of amusement, Goti served as a means to hone dexterity, tactical thinking, and interpersonal abilities, enriching the fabric of social interactions.One famous story recounts the tale of a young lad named Arjun, renowned for his exceptional prowess in playing Goti. Eagerly, he would engage his peers in challenging matches, employing shrewd tactics to secure victory. Arjun's remarkable abilities attracted the attention of youngsters from nearby villages, who flocked to observe and learn from him. Utilizing a simple circle etched in the earth as their arena, participants took turns attempting to dislodge each other's marbles. This pastime evolved into a beloved community custom, embraced by individuals spanning generations as they savored shared moments of play, accompanied by the anecdotes and sagacity of the older spectators.

As the years went by, the traditional game of Goti found its way into various corners of the globe, gradually transforming into the beloved pastime recognized today as Marbles. Embraced by children far and wide, this game captivated players with its straightforward rules, ease of access, and boundless entertainment. In the present day, Marbles has garnered a massive following, captivating countless individuals who put their own creative spin on this timeless classic.

How to Play Goti (Marbles)

A. Objective: The objective of this game is to strategically target and displace your adversary's marbles from the specified zone, typically outlined in a circular shape, with your own playing piece. Simultaneously, you must ensure that your own marbles remain confined within the designated playing region.

B. Players: Marbles is a classic game enjoyed by children and adults alike, designed for a minimum of 2 players but can also accommodate larger groups for enhanced fun and friendly competition.

C. Equipment:

  • A set of marbles usually consists of various small spherical pieces crafted from glass, clay, or plastic materials. These marbles come in diverse colors and are commonly used in games and decorative arts due to their smooth and shiny surface textures.

  • A playing field is typically a flat surface or a marked circle, often found in the dirt or on a board, specifically designated to serve as the designated area for gameplay.

D. Setup:

1. Choosing Marbles: Each participant carefully picks out their marbles from a variety of options, choosing from an array of colors, sizes, and designs to suit their preferences before the game commences.

2. Marking the Play Area: Draw a circle or clearly define a playing area on the ground surface. This designated space is essential for the game of marbles to proceed smoothly and ensure fair play among participants.

E. Gameplay:

1. Starting the Game: Players typically come to a mutual agreement on determining the first turn, commonly opting for a quick game of chance or selecting randomly through drawing lots.

2. Setting the Aim: Players take turns aiming their marbles at the opponent’s marbles. The objective is to knock the opponent’s marbles out of the circle while keeping your own marbles inside.

3. Shooting the Marble: Players use their thumb to flick their marble towards the cluster of opponents' marbles, strategically aiming to land closest to the center of the circle or to hit the maximum number of opponent's marbles. In this engaging game, precision and skill are key as the player with the marble closest to the center or most hits usually earns the coveted chance for an additional turn.

4. Knocking Out Marbles: If a player skillfully manages to knock an opponent's marble out of the circle during the game, they earn the right to claim ownership of the dislodged marble. Subsequently, the gameplay proceeds as each player consecutively flicks their marbles within the designated area.

Winning the Game:

The game can be played either to a predetermined number of rounds or continue until all the marbles of a single player are successfully knocked out of the playing area. Ultimately, victory is claimed by the player who possesses the greatest quantity of marbles once the game concludes.

Special Rules:

  • Flicking Technique: Players often develop their unique techniques for flicking marbles by experimenting with various angles, strengths, and approaches to enhance their control over the game.

  • Knocking Out Strategy: Players might strategically target certain marbles to either gain a competitive edge or safeguard their own marbles from being eliminated.


  • Practice Your Aim: The more you dedicate time to honing your marble-flicking skills through consistent practice, the more precise your aim and fluid your control over the marble will evolve.

  • Observe Your Opponent: Observe the flicking technique of your opponent closely to predict their actions better and adapt your strategy accordingly during the game.

  • Be Fair and Have Fun: Remember that the primary objective of engaging in the game is to ensure a pleasant and enjoyable experience for all participants. Therefore, it is crucial to adhere to the principles of fairness, displaying good sportsmanship, and treating your fellow players with the utmost respect.

Goti, known today as Marbles, has stood the test of time as a cherished game that seamlessly combines simplicity with strategy, offering boundless amusement for individuals of every generation. With its extensive history and everlasting charm, Marbles remains a timeless classic that unites people, nurturing bonds of companionship and forging unforgettable experiences.


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